MCM Update from 2023
During 2023 MCM completed the following system updates:
- New Website design and integration:
- New Cloud based OAS Servicing Valuation System on client’s site for client use or by potential clients.
- New Neural Network AI Fallout analytics system: CloseLytics.
- Major enhancements to our Float Down pricing and hedging models.
- New pricing for Long-term Forward Builder Commitments and hedging.
- Incorporation of our Synthetics hedging methods into our main model.
- Automated our cloud-to-cloud backup for all systems.
While we have not done any advertising due to the low volume levels experienced in the industry, we continue to make improvements throughout our tech stack. The above are provided as examples of our efforts to be your competitive advantage….
For more information contact Dean Brown @ 858 483 4404 x101 or email:
Mortgage Capital Management, Inc.
1660 Hotel Circle N. #700
San Diego, CA 92108
858-483 4404 x101