MCM Announces New OAS Servicing Valuation Software and Service
MCM has developed, refined, and utilized over the past 29 years OAS Based servicing valuation software for hedge management and best execution purposes. The idea behind our new offering is to provide a Cloud based system and framework that lets customers value servicing assets on a loan level basis using their own assumptions. For example, they get to choose what their required rate of return over the yield curve should be for the asset based on the type of loan and other characteristics. We provide the framework and analytics so each customer can gauge how much an individual loan’s servicing is worth to them. Armed with this information customers can compare with other valuations like what a servicing broker or correspondent investor says each loan is worth and/or what an accounting valuation would be. The system is cloud based, easy to use and can be accessed to value 1 loan, up to thousands of loans at a time whether in portfolio or in pipeline. MCM has over 29 years of experience with managing mortgage pipeline risk using state of the art OAS technology and proven valuation metrics. The system also provides a valuation range for any desired market movement. WE have rigorously and extensively tested this system and it is ready for deployment for any client. We will be ready when you are! Contact us today to discuss how we can improve your results.

For more information contact Dean Brown @ 858 483 4404 x101 or email: dbrown@mortcap.com.
Mortgage Capital Management, Inc.
1660 Hotel Circle N. #700
San Diego, CA 92108
858-483 4404 x101